Dhananjay Jagannathan
Scholar & Teacher of Philosophy
Dhananjay Jagannathan
Scholar & Teacher of Philosophy
Dhananjay Jagannathan
Scholar & Teacher of Philosophy
Dhananjay Jagannathan is assistant professor of philosophy and Director of Graduate Studies of the Classical Studies Program at Columbia University.
Research Interests
- Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy (esp. Aristotle)
- ethics
- social and political philosophy
- philosophy and literature
Elsewhere on the Web
- Columbia Philosophy Department
- ORCID (0000-0001-8513-4320)
- PhilPeople (see here for pre-prints)
- Academia.edu profile (note: no longer updated)
- Non-academic writing portfolio
News, Press, etc.
- Columbia College "Core Conversations" - Sep 2023
- AI Ethics article citing my work (Vox.com) - Sep 2023
Academic Publications
Aristotle's Practical Epistemology
Oxford University Press (2024)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
A Defense of Aristotelian Justice
Ergo (2024)
Right Reason and Practical Truth
in J Frey & C Frey, eds, Practical Reason, Knowledge, and Truth, Oxford (forthcoming)
Reciprocity and Political Justice in Nicomachean Ethics Book V
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2021)
in C Atack & P Cartledge, eds, A Cultural History of Democracy in Antiquity, Bloomsbury (2021)
Every Man a Legislator: Aristotle on Political Wisdom
Apeiron (2019)
On Making Sense of Oneself: Reflections on Julian Barnes's The Sense of an Ending
Philosophy & Literature (2015)
Reviews and Shorter Essays (recent)
Review Essay on Pavlos Kontos, Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason: Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils
Mind (2022)
Review of Paula Gottlieb, Aristotle on Thought and Feeling
The Classical Review (2021)
Aristotle's Legal and Social Philosophy
In M Sellers & S Kirste, eds, Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer (2019)
Review of Eve Rabinoff, Perception in Aristotle's Ethics
Ancient Philosophy (2019)
Work in Progress
Aristotle on the Slavishness of Non-Greeks
book chapter in progress, for P Marechal & J Proios, eds, Crafting Race in Plato and Aristotle (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
other paper titles omitted to preserve anonymous review
Other Activities
a NYC-area work-in-progress seminar, co-organized with Santiago Mejia (Fordham)
Columbia Greek Philosophy Reading Group
a weekly reading group for graduate students specializing in ancient Greek philosophy; the text for 2023–24 is Aristotle, Topics I; the text for 2024–25 will be Plato, Ion
Honors Symposium: The Idea of a University
a monthly discussion group on the nature and purpose of universities for second- and third-year undergraduates at Columbia, organized under the auspices of Columbia Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
Email me for inquiries.
1150 Amsterdam Avenue
MC 4971
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027